affiliate ads for creators

Mint affiliate Ads.
Promote brands.
Earn commissions.

Mint ads that pay commissions for promoting brands. Grow your advertising business.

how Affiliate ads work

Get Started in 4 easy steps


Explore Campaigns

Discover affiliate Ad campaigns by brands your audience will love.  


Mint affiliate Ads

Mint unique affiliate Ads to your crypto wallet. Take ownership of your Ads, and affiliate links.


Promote to your audiance

Create content around campaigns and drive traffic using your affiliate links.


Earn Commissions

Earn commissions when your audience makes purchases from your affiliate links.

Build a valuable advertising portfolio, you own, control and manage.

Questions? Answers

How do affiliate Ads work?

Share products with your audience and earn money when they make a purchase using a unique link.

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How do I mint affiliate Ads?

Explore campaigns on Adbay, connect your crypto wallet, and mint affiliate ads. You'll now own the asset, get a unique affiliate link to promote and earn commissions. Learn more:

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How do I earn with affiliate Ads?

Earn commissions when people buy through your affiliate link. Commission rates vary by campaign.

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Who are affiliate Ads for?

Creators promote products and earn money. Brands pay them commissions to reach new customers.

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How do you payout affiliate commissions?

We payout affiliate commissions to the asset owner once a month right into to connected bank account or wallet.

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