You'll need an Adbay account, and a Shopify store to create an affiliate campaign using Adbay. Let's get started!
1. Create new affiliate campaign
Click on the create campaign link or icon in the menu bar
2. Add campaign details
Fill out all the details on your affiliate campaigns.
Campaign details
- Select your associated Shopify store
- Add Name: Name your campaign
- Add Description: Describe your campaign, promoted product or page.
- Add Slug: Add text to make campaign link unique
- Select Category: Select category that fits your campaign the best.
- Set Visibility: Select the visibility of your campaign: public to all, public but need to apply or private invite only.
- Start date and end date: When does the campaigns start and ends if needed.
Promoted product
- Select Affiliation type: Select if affiliate campaign is on a whole website or a specific product page only.
- Promoted Link: Add link to the promoted page
- Images: Add campaign related images or assets.
Add campaign related images or assets.
- Affiliate Commission Percentage: Commission percentage paid on affiliate sales on promoted product or page.
- Promoted Link: Add link to the promoted page
- Payout period: time between commission payouts